The Street City Arcadiaby by Izumi Yano
Kumamoto University | Faculty of Engineering| Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture
Education Program for Architecture and Building Engineering

Cities are the changes and original landscapes of the people and towns that live there, and are the spaces that form the boundary between the public and the private. There, we divide the land rationally and are forced to live in cramped conditions where they are excluded. Under such circumstances, I think about the most excluded people in the city, the people who live on the streets. Yes, a life that is not bound by the concept of their land would be "Arcadia" in the city.
words: Izumi Yano
title: The Street City Arcadia
student name: Izumi Yano
school: Kumamoto University, Faculty of Engineering,
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture, Education Program for Architecture and Building Engineering
year: 2023
category: Interior Design