The Language of the Smoke by Wei Shiqing
Musashino Art University | Department of Scenography, Space and Fashion Design | Environmental planning Course

We are surrounded by the air, sometimes it’s clean, sometimes it’s harmful.
Since the beginning of 2020, due to the Covid-19, my life was trapped by the tense atmosphere. Even though there were plenty of preventive measures against covid-19, like improving the air flow on the public transportations, or keep distance from each other, but the feeling of anxiety cannot fade away. I’m keeping ask myself, did this anti-epidemic measures really could keep me away from being infected?
For my graduation work, I used smoke as a medium to visualize the movement of air. The white sticks below implied the distance between people. And I let the air kept flowing to observe how strong the ventilation effect could be.
When the audiences comes into the room, they can only pass through by the one-way “forest”.
They might admire the sophisticated smoke around them, but in the meantime, the floating smoke keeps reminding them how dangerous could the air be.
We became apathetic due to the long-playing virus, my work is trying to alarm the audiences that this is not the end, we are still need to pull together till the day of success.
words: Wei Shiqing
title: The language of the smoke
student name: Wei Shiqing
school: Musashino Art University, Department of Scenography, Space and Fashion Design, Environmental Planning Course
year: 2021
category: Installation